Vacuum Bell Therapy

Vacuum Bell Therapy
Vacuum Bell therapy, which is applied in a selected group of patients in the treatment of Pectus Excavatum, is successfully applied in the Pectus Clinic. It provides face-pleasing results in a special group of patients who are paid individually, not paid by the SSI. Prof. Hundreds of patients have been treated in this way by Mustafa Yuksel. The duration of treatment is 6-9 months.
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Vacuum therapy is a treatment described as a non-surgical method of treatment for pectus excavatum disease, that is, shoemaker's chest. The name is given as “Vacuum Bell” and it is described as vacuum bell treatment. But we are talking about it briefly as vacuum therapy.
Which patient group do we need to apply to... Which patients are ideal patients... Usually a fifteen-year-old sixteen-year-old patient group, the ideal patient group for vacuum therapy. In addition, the deformity of the patient must also be suitable for vacuum therapy.
Which patient group is not suitable... vacuum therapy does not work for sharp-angle deformities in the upper sternum, that is, the area of the faith board that fits to the top, which we call pectus arcuatum. You can apply it, but there is no solution, it is very difficult to get results. Because that group of patients can be treated with open surgery. Symmetrical patient group can be more successful in vacuum treatment. Patients with symmetrical deformities are more successful. We generally prefer the patient to wear it once in the morning and evening and to see the mother and father correct the deformity after inflating the balloon three times. As this complication, rashes on the skin can cause minor bleeding. Other than that, there is no damage to the internal organs.
Usually, the application time is described as one hour in the morning and one hour in the evening. Some of our patients are asking if it would be more beneficial to use it for a longer period of time. It's a fact that more, longer practice is better. However, longer applications can cause some irritation and subcutaneous bleeding on the skin. For him, we usually recommend limiting it to one and a half hours. It can also be applied more than twice a day. In the morning, in the evening, if an opportunity can be found at noon, in the afternoon, an hour of practice can also be done in the afternoon. How long is the duration of vacuum treatment?
How many months or years is it necessary to apply? We usually see patients at quarterly check-ups. It is best to wait until the deformity is completely corrected. However, with this application, the degree of deformity decreases. We also have a group of patients who have completely disappeared. If it was diagnosed in time and caught early ... But since the chest wall is very hard in the older age group, of course, it is not possible to achieve one hundred percent treatment success with a vacuum.

We use the vacuum in the group of patients we operate on as well as in the operations apart from the treatment. By taking a sterile vacuum bell to the operating room, we also use it to lift the chest cage during surgery.