Orthotic Treatment

Orthotic Treatment
Apart from surgical treatment in Pectus Carinatum (Pigeon Breast) patients, successful treatment is performed with orthosis (corset) within 3 to 6 months.
Our clinic, which has successfully treated nearly 2000 patients to date, offers a satisfactory solution for patients who do not want to undergo surgery. Orthoses specially designed according to the deformity of the patients are worn 24 hours a day and are monitored by our clinic at certain periods. The results are laughable.
However, patients are required to patiently wear the orthosis for 24 hours (except for bathing)
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Orthotic Treatment is usually given to a group of patients under the age of seventeen or sixteen, and certainly the chest pressure, compression pressure, that is, the resulting pressure when we press should be less than ten kilograms, and this group of patients is usually custom–made, suitable for the patient's body, the appropriate Orthosis is given to the patient. The patient needs to wear it twenty-four hours a day, seven days. He can only take it off when bathing, and if he is doing sports, going in for sports, swimming. But at other times we advise the patient to wear the orthosis.
In the study we did at the university, we applied orthosis for eight hours to a group of patients and twenty-three hours to a group of patients. The treatment of the patient group in which we performed orthosis for twenty-three hours progressed more quickly. For this reason, according to the results of our studies, we recommend that all our patients wear orthoses during the day and night when they can. Just some of the complications that we see most often, there may be irritations on the skin and discoloration in the places where these pads of the Orthosis are pressed. The patient can correct this with skin protective creams. If he insists, we start Orthosis again after Decaying Orthosis treatment for a few days. Our orthosis is very light, the patient does not feel any discomfort in carrying it. He just needs to wear it under the shirt. If he is uncomfortable in the environment of friends, we advise the patient to remove it at that time and undergo a half-time treatment process.

Usually the course of treatment lasts from three to six months. In some patient groups, we can extend the treatment for up to nine months. If it was diagnosed early, if it was caught between the ages of twelve and fifteen, if the deformity and treatment were started at this time... it is certainly successful, we can achieve close to one hundred percent success Dec. In this patient group, if we can add physiotherapy to the treatment, we shorten the treatment process and the patient has a better chance of success.